What’s better than single digits? Double digits, of course! I’m not just talking about the temperature but also the number of businesses now in the netgreen community with the addition of two new members! First, we want to welcome the North Shore restaurant SoHo into our network. SoHo is a food and beverage establishment across from PNC Park that offers eclectic American dining with a focus on local beer and a wide assortment of liquors. The 11th business to join is Jonathan’s Foods, which sells vegan, organic and gluten-free traditional-style foods recreated with meatless options.

jonathan's foods

Jonathan’s Foods in Schwartz Market in Southside

soho pgh

SoHo Pittsburgh across from PNC Park on the North Shore

Netgreen is celebrating our first full month in operation

This means that we are half-way through the beta test of the Green Business Project. As we wrap up the second half of this testing period, we are looking for more local businesses that want to become leaders for sustainability. We want to thank everyone who has signed up so far, this includes local non-profits that have endorsed our mission. These include the Green Building Alliance, the Urban Redevelopment Authority, Bike Pgh!, and Sustainable Pittsburgh.

Part II of the beta test will begin on April 1st 2014 with a revamped and revised price guide. Sign up now to lock in our low rates!

DECO Team Expansion

DECO Resources is also excited to announce the newest members of our team: Mary and Lamont will be helping Anthony to map your needs and locate solutions on the road to sustainability. You can now connect with us on our new Facebook and Twitter pages!

In addition to our two virtual spaces, we will be working out of two new real life locations! DECO is sharing office space with two co-working businesses that are building an incredible network of resources. We are proud to have you visit our Allentown location that is managed by the Hardware Store or our Millvale location that is managed by Open Floor Maker Spaces. Please see our contact page for more information and click HERE for a great article on the Hardware Store.

The Open Floor Maker Spaces (With Geoff and his furry friend) :

Open Floor Maker Spaces

Site located at 2 Sedgwick St. Millvale, PA 15209

2 Sedgwick

The Hardware Store:

744 E Warrington 

Site located at 744 E. Warrington Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15210



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