Pittsburgh is a city with a distinctive and impressive history. Any Pittsburgh’er can recite a list of accomplishments that frequently lands our city on many top ten lists. But where will Pittsburgh be in ten years, fifty years, or two-hundred years from now?
We see a new Pittsburgh; a city that is ready to lead the nation, once again, in transportation, water management, and energy production. People in this city are energized and willing to work hard in order to make life a little better for their neighbors. Sustainability isn’t just a buzz word here, it means something important. Pittsburgh’ers want to sustain this amazing city so that future generations can enjoy it too. We want a thriving natural environment where plants and animals can share our city. The next generation of Pittsburgh’ers will harvest fresh produce in their neighborhoods and will be able to walk, bike, or run without worrying about traffic and smog.
Black and Yellow and Green
Our duty, as residents of Pittsburgh and citizens of Pennsylvania is to imagine the future. With our imagination, we create the world. “Doing our part” means buying products that support our dreams and goals. It is entirely possible to have a positive impact on this world and it should be fun and exciting to explore sustainable options. Together, we will make this city an even better place.
In the coming months, the DECO team is looking forward to working with you to achieve your goals. Our partners are passionate about fresh and healthy food, clean air and water, and providing the highest quality of life. Our customers are our neighbors. Since 2013, we have been helping our friends improve the sustainability of their projects. We’re proud to say that many of these projects are still here. Ask us how we can help grow your project.
We want to thank our friends and partners who have believed in us and our process over the past two years. We look forward to helping you imagine the world of tomorrow and making it a reality. With your help, we will build a better future in alignment with nature.