Sustainable Strategy

The following list has been adapted from Sustainable Pittsburgh’s Green Workplace Challenge. Netgreen members are encouraged to look through the items and make note of which items might apply to their business operation. A DECO Consultant will then be able to help each company begin forging a path to sustainability.

Netgreen Sustainable Strategy

# Description Notes


1 URA’s Business Energy Saving Program ($400 toward energy audit)
2 Utilize EnergyStar portfolio manager
3 Earn EnergyStar certification
4 Conduct an energy audit/implement suggested actions
5 Use on-site reusable energy
6 Purchase ‘green power’ from a renewable energy source
7 Enroll in a demand-response program
8 Install energy efficient windows or insulate glass
9 Upgrade to energy efficient HVAC systems
10 Shade outdoor HVAC units with plants
11 Install a cool, white, or green roof
12 Install motion sensors or programmable light switches
13 Replace light fixtures with LED’s (or T5’s) 26 parking lights
14 Install natural lighting
15 Set office computers to automatically shutdown at close
16 Install environmentally conscious hand dryers
17 Set an energy use reduction target goal
18 Policy requiring EnergyStar compliance for new equipment
19 Policy to identify and eliminate ghost power
20 Establish a Green Team/Sustainability Manager


21 Become a certified sustainable local business
22 Compare your standing against industry average
23 Commit to the 2030 district goals
24 Join the Breathe Coalition and commit to campaign/sign up for Air Quality Action Day
25 Implement the Air Quality flagging program
26 Green Friday, flex time, telecom policy
27 Establish sustainability guidelines and outline of strategy to achive commitment
28 No idling zones in parking areas and signage
29 Donate extra food
30 Policy to reduce exposure to chemicals with greener cleaning products
31 Sustainable Education Workshop
32 Sponsor or volunteer for a community environmental event
33 Participate in a tree planting/planting event or become a tree tender
34 Install potted plants
35 Utilize local interns
36 Post sustainability policy on website
37 Local, state, and greener federal incentives

Supply Chain

38 Develop a greenhouse gas emmissions inventory
39 Establish an environmentally friendly purchasing policy (


40 Conduct a transportation survery with Commute Info
41 Register with commute infor and have employees participate in ride-share
42 Encourage alternative transportation
43 Encourage Bike-pooling or car-pooling
44 Bike-friendly employer and participate in car-free Fridays
45 Sponsor, volunteer, or paticipate in Pedal PGH or other Bike PGH events
46 Promote the National Bike Challenge
47 Bike-share or office bikes
48 Utilize qualified bicycle reimbursement
49 Utilize Zipcar
50 Employee benefit program for alternate transit
51 Establish greener driving practices (promote higher MPG and fuel efficient vehicles)
52 Offer public transportation passes to employees
53 Incentivize walking/biking/public transit
54 Offer transportation benefits (pre-tax payroll deductions)


55 Give discounts for using reusable cups/containers
56 Utilize sustianable landscapes technologies
57 Set waste reduction and composition targets
58 Conduct a professional waste audit/contact Zero Waste PGH
59 Use EPA’s WARM tool to measure recycling
60 Earn Zero Waste ZIP certification and use ZIP for events
61 Establish a composting program and use material in landscaping
62 Collect batteries, flourescent lighting, ted (e-waste) and toner
63 Create a comprehensive recycling program for plastic, glass, metal and paper with descriptive signage
64 Establish a policy to limit/eliminate single-use beverage containers
65 Utilize 2-sided printing
66 Purchase furniture, supplies, and materials from used supplies
67 Utilize recycled paper/eco-friendly ink for paper products
68 Donate unwanted items to Construction Junction/Creative Reuse/Goodwill
69 Designate a sustainability manager and encourage on-going training
70 Sponsor or participate in local waste collection events
71 Waste reduction goals and strategies, ban small individual trashcans
72 Establish a recycling policy and outline strategy
73 Policy to eliminate/reduce bottled water
74 Oft for e-billing/paperless receipts
75 Policy to donate surplus/unwanted building materials


76 Set a water reduction target goal
77 Install environmentally conscious toilets, faucets, shower heads, or waterless urinals
78 Install a toilet tank water displacement device
79 Incentivize use of tap water with filtration device and water pitchers