We are excited to announce that DECO Resources is now accepting and generating time credits. A time credit is a social currency that is earned through volunteering and can then be redeemed at local businesses and institutions. Created by involveMINT,  this system rewards people who volunteer with discounts and networking opportunities.

involveMINT logo


DECO is offering discounted soil and water tests. Get $15 off your water or soil test. As the dangers of Lead contamination become known, we help identify sources of contamination in water and soil. Contact us to learn more.

Water Testing DECO Resources


We are providing new opportunities for volunteers to earn time credits and gain work experience. Volunteers will earn time credits and gain valuable work experience in the environmental industry with DECO on various projects around Pittsburgh through a partnership with Hilltop Rising, supported by New Sun Rising.

Soil Testing DECO Resources

Contact us to learn more about our discounts and opportunities and follow involveMINT to discover news and events:

Facebook: facebook.com/joininvolvemint
Twitter: @involve_mint
Instagram: involvemint

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