Shedding Light on Lighting

Shedding Light on Lighting

“You don’t notice lighting until it’s gone,” says local lighting consultant and owner of LED Light Shed, Barry Stolar. But once you take notice, there can be a lot to learn about lighting. Last week, I visited the certified LEED Platinum office...
Pittsburgh Public Transit Gets a FaceLyft

Pittsburgh Public Transit Gets a FaceLyft

Lyft on Mt. Washington. Photo Source Pop City Media I Mustache You A Question DECO’s Facilitator & Design Officer, Mary Sullivan, recently used Lyft, Pittsburgh’s newest public transportation option. Lyft is a San Fransico-based ride-sharing service...
All is Well That Ends Well

All is Well That Ends Well

Pittsburgh has long been at the epicenter of global energy production. From the first commercial oil well, just north of the city in Titusville, to America’s rise to the top as the world’s leading natural gas producer, the Pittsburgh region has yielded...
The Eagle has Landed

The Eagle has Landed

Southside residents and nature lovers across the Pittsburgh region are eagerly awaiting their newest neighbors: Baby Bald Eagles are expected to hatch any day now. Although the Audubon Society says that it’s been “more than 250 years since Bald Eagles last...
Signs of Life

Signs of Life

As the inevitable changing of seasons begins and spring commences its slow march in, Pittsburgh will once again become a vibrant place to live and work. The snow has melted and the ground is starting to thaw. Plants will eventually poke their heads out of the soil...